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contoh kalimat european union

"european union" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I'm sitting with my counterparts in the European Union.
    Saya duduk dengan relasi dari Uni Eropa.
  • The European Union is also represented at the G7 summit.
    Uni Eropa juga diwakili di G7.
  • The UN and the European Union offered assistance.
    NATO dan Uni Eropa juga ikut memberikan bantuan.
  • The European Union makes 60 percent of the total trade.
    Uni Eropa menyumbang 60% total perdagangan.
  • Maintaining jurisdiction of Court of Justice of the European Union.
    Pertimbangan Hukum Pengadilan Kehakiman UNI eropa.
  • Country by country, international organizations, the European Union?
    Masing-masing negara, organisasi internasional, atau Uni Eropa?
    Ljubljana 2008, SLOVENIA memimpin OVER UNI EROPA.
  • Monaco is not a member of the European Union.
    Monaco bukanlah anggota dari Uni Eropa.
  • The European Union is Israel’s biggest trading partner.
    Uni Eropa adalah mitra dagang terbesar Israel.
  • With that treaty, the European Union came into existence.
    Bersama perjanjian itu, Uni Eropa muncul.
  • Luxembourg, Luxembourg History of the European Union Timeline of European Union history
    Sejarah Kirgizstan Konstitusi Republik Kirgiz
  • Luxembourg, Luxembourg History of the European Union Timeline of European Union history
    Sejarah Kirgizstan Konstitusi Republik Kirgiz
  • Bulgaria observes the European Union rules for summer time.
    Myanmar tidak mengenal Waktu Musim Panas.
  • In the European Union, they went in the other direction.
    Di Uni Eropa mereka mengambil jalan yang berbeda
  • The European Union ETS is the main marketplace.
    Uni Eropa ETS adalah pasar utamanya.
  • The European Union allows free movement between the member states.
    Uni Eropa membolehkan pergerakan bebas antara negara anggota.
  • Finland joined the European Union in 1995.
    Finlandia bergabung dengan Uni Eropa tahun 1995.
  • Austria, Finland and Sweden become members of the European Union.
    Denmark, Finlandia, dan Swedia adalah anggota Uni Eropa.
  • 2007 – Bulgaria and Romania join the European Union.
    2007 - Rumania dan Bulgaria bergabung di Uni Eropa.
  • Bulgaria joined the European Union on January 1, 2007.
    Bulgaria bergabung dengan Uni Eropa pada 1 Januari 2007.
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